
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

The Pittsburgh Potty and job search mistakes to avoid in 2018

01.17.18 | Tim and John learn about the “Pittsburgh Potty,” discover a delivery service called GoPuff, and celebrate the Business Birthday of the man who invented the cardboard egg carton. Shop Talk covers the mistakes not to make on the job search in 2018, and do you have a personal brand?

The Focus Group bids Out In The Vineyard’s Mark Vogler a bon voyage to Antarctica!

01.10.18 | This week Tim and John look at new marketing programs from McDonald’s and Ikea. Roy Disney is our Business Birthday and Shop Talk explores business buzzwords that make you sound stupid. Mark Vogler, from Out In The Vineyard, updates us on what’s in store for this summer’s events. GayTravel.com has Awarded Gay Wine Weekend the Best Event of the Summer and we agree. Mark introduces us to The Velvet Mafia and how LGBT networking finally got him selected for an eight week Antarctica program with the National Science Foundation.

What 5 questions should you ask yourself to determine whether it’s time for a new job?

01.03.18 | Tim and John kick off 2018 with two important articles related to career and LGBT advancement. But first, maybe the Whitehouse is a dump, and Apple’s retail mis-step in Chicago caught the eye of the Focus Group.

Tim and John talk with best-selling author Kelly McDonald about the business trends of 2018

12.27.17 | Best selling author of How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You Kelly McDonald joins The Focus Group to talk about the year that was, and the trends in business for 2018. As one of the country’s top speakers, Kelly offers a unique perspective on the postitive changes organizations are making in the work place.

Tim Bennett and John Nash of The Focus Group celebrate the Holiday Season

12.20.17 | A gay, married, interracial Santa book that people love or hate, John’s Star Wars snowglobe, and LGBT Stories you may have missed are just a few of the topics covered on this edition of The Focus Group. Caught My Eye explores a cash stealing cat and a radio reporter who lost his voice. The Random Sample advises against careless hooking up through apps, and takes a look at gender neutral clothing.

Keith Price shares his top NYC Theater picks

12.13.17 | Theater Ambassador and host of the podcast Curtain Call joins us to share his theater picks should you find yourself in NYC this holiday season. But first, Venezuela is selling knock-offs of familiar brands, a freelance writer tricks Trip Advisor and his shed is named best restaurant in London, and Shop Talk explores a sporty manager that wants everyone to share her love of sport—or they will get dinged on their performance review.

Executive Coach Michael Mellen, and some advice for Lauer, Weinstein, and Spacey

12.06.17 | Tim and John welcome Career Coach Michael Mellen to the show as we steam toward 2018. Happy Birthday to Irv Robbins of Baskin-Robbins fame. We are still the only show in the universe that celebrates Business Birthdays. Why are there 31 flavors and what was the 31st?  Shop Talk explores a gay governed Palm Springs, don’t hang mistletoe at the Holiday Party, and China has a bike disposal problem.

LGBT entrepreneurs are profiled on this week’s Business Spotlight, brought to you by Admark360

11.29.17 | Join The Focus Group this week for The LGBT Business Spotlight brought to you by Admark360. Brian Roman profiles three varied businesses where each person left the comforts of corporate America and started their own venture. But first, Tim and John wish a Happy Business Birthday to Patrick Byrne from Overstock.com and Eugene Polley the inventor of the TV remote. John plays with a demonic Santa and Tim thinks eating Birthday Cake Oreos has a side benefit.

How to thaw and cook the perfect turkey with Butterball, the Turkey Talk-Line, and The Focus Group

11.22.17 | Butterball Turkey Talk-Line Co-Director Nicole Johnson joins Tim and John to talk…turkey. Cooks can reach the Turkey Talk-Line via social media, by calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL, or texting their questions to 1-844-877-3456. Ad exec Donny Deutsch celebrates a Business Birthday, and John graduates from Animation Mentor.

We recommend ending the 8-hour work day for creative professions.

11.15.17 | Listen, laugh, and learn this week with Tim and John as they address company boycotts based on celebrity, procrastination, gender neutral public announcements, and the lady things of Jimmy Choo. Robbie Rogers retires and Walmart gets dinged on the HRC Corporate Equality Index for 2018. In Shop Talk, the 8-hour work day is explored and while necessary in some professions, it is outdated for creative types. As John said, “I never came up with a great ad campaign sitting behind a desk!” By focusing on putting in the hours at work, rather than putting in the quality of work, we run the risk stifling creativity and imagination.

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