
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Saturday, June 26th

tonyOn June 24th, CNN will begin airing a documentary entitled “Gary and Tony Have a Baby,” about a gay couple and their quest to have a child. Anthony M. Brown, Esq., who is profiled in the CNN piece and is now a proud father, has had a long history of fighting for the rights of gay couples and families. He currently works for the law firm of Albert W. Chianese & Associates, heading their Nontraditional Family and Estates Law division serving unmarried individuals, couples and families in Manhattan and on Long Island. He is the Executive Director of The Wedding Party, and the founder of TimeForFamilies.com, a web environment dedicated to assisting gay and lesbian couples create their own families. Join Tim and John for what will surely be a unique and enlightening conversation with Anthony by calling 866-305-6887. And get ready for Tim’s List