Wear It Out
Knock Your Socks Off Whether or not you’re a fan of feet,
taking care of them is essential; so—as we head from sandal weather back into
socks and shoes, I have two great tips for your tootsies—one for when you’re in
sandals and one for when you’re in shoes:
Get a Sandal On It One of my favorite new discoveries are Herban Essentials
Towelettes. They’re like handi-wipes but infused with essential oils which
means they are a) more natural and b) smell fantastic! We’ve been grooving on
the Orange, but they’re also available in Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon and
Peppermint. What does this have to do with feet? We make sure to keep them
handy to wipe down sandals after wearing to keep them smelling and feeling
Male Order Between the gremlins in the washer and dryer that seem to
eat socks and the fact that regular wear can leave them stretched out or
riddled with holes, we go through socks like water. The solution? A sockscription from,
which will have orders of fresh, quality socks arriving at your home regularly.
They also make a fantastic gift (who couldn’t use more socks?), or — for an
even sexier option—try their underwear subscription!