Saturday, October 30th
It’s Halloween weekend, and with Tim out of town, count on John to deliver a show with a few Sci Fi twists. Author Mary Roach will be on to talk about “Packing For Mars. The Curious Science of Life in the Void.” Space is a world devoid of the things we need to live and
thrive: air, gravity, hot showers, fresh produce, privacy, beer. How much can a person give up? From the space shuttle training toilet to a crash test of NASA’s new space capsule (cadaver filling in for astronaut), Packing for Mars takes us on a surreally entertaining trip into the science of life in space and space on Earth.
Paul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns for another installment of Metroscope. He is on a mission for our listeners to put the “culture” back in “pop culture,” and has some tricks and treats in store. John will also unveil a new game.