
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.


Ink Spotted

LetterQHelp Your Shelf  Looking for a book that might make you feel better about life? We’ve got four: First, we’re remembering a wild era of gay history with Running in Bed, the beautiful debut novel by Jeffrey Sharlach, about a man who comes to New York in the late 1970s to figure out how to be part of the gay community just in time for it to be devastated by the AIDS Crisis. (Focus Group fans in the NYC area can see Paul Hagen interview Jeffrey about the book live at Barnes & Noble, May 17th, at 7pm). Next, we’re getting inspired by a fascinating collection of letters that queer writers penned to their younger selves called The Letter Q — a sort of autobiographical twist on the “It Gets Better Campaign.” Then, we went audiobook for Rachel Maddow’s Drift and are finding it to be a wildly informative history of how the Presidency gradually stole the power to make war from Congress. And we’re even giving “self-help” a try, courtesy of Yogi and animal enthusiast Edward Vilga, courtesy of his book Upward Dog, which prescribes better living by being more like the pets that we love.