
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Is it time to retire the word diversity in the workplace?

10.03.18 | While the Out & Equal Workplace Summit takes place in Seattle, The Focus Group traveled to the frontline to speak with two HR professionals regarding diversity, inclusion, and the fast-changing worker/employer landscape. Machelle Williams and David Bruce of Volkswagen serve up the challenges and opportunities facing many companies right now. But first, did Disney “white wash” a Princess, and a bridal parties list of crazy demands.

TFG Unbuttoned: Gay penguins ‘kidnapped’ a chick from its ‘neglectful’ parents at a zoo in Denmark

10.02.18 | In an attempt to stop a drag queen story hour event at the Lafayette Public Library in Louisiana, two antigay Christian groups have filed suit against the town, the governor of Louisiana, and the library. Drinking diet soda can lead to metabolic syndrome, a mix of conditions that includes: increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and weight gain. And drama at the Zoo! A gay penguin couple briefly ‘kidnaps’ a chick from neglectful parents.

The one question all brands should ask: Do They Care?

09.26.18 | Douglas Spencer has more than 20 years of experience in nearly every modern marketing discipline. His new book, Do They Care, shows executives from marketing to human resources why people want to care about their brands and how to enable them. The New York Yankees are committing to the LGBTQ community by way of a $50K student scholarship to honor the gay rights movement at Stonewall 50 years ago, and a man’s strange behavior in the produce isle gets him arrested.

TFG Unbuttoned: Two McDonald’s customers pull a prank that nets them $25K each

09.25.18 | Amazon is placing fake packages on trucks to ensure drivers don’t steal, two McDonald’s customers take advertising matters into their own hands and get $25K each for their efforts, and a Stonewall picture book due in April of 2019 will break down the historic LGBT rights moment for kids.

Where can you live on $37K a year in retirement?

09.19.18 | OUT Law featuring attorney Angela Giampolo kicks off, with a look at LGBT legal issues from around the country. Tim and John sample new Oreo flavors, Amazon is selling live Christmas trees this year and an English town hears eerie children’s singing only at night. You can retire for $37K a year in these five cities, but there’s a catch.

TFG Unbuttoned: 20% of first-year students at Harvard & Yale don’t identify heterosexual

09.18.18 | Studies by the campus papers at Harvard and Yale indicate that freshmen more readily identify as LGBTQ than as conservative. 1 in 4 Americans really have deleted Facebook’s app, and a study claims that attending a concert once every two weeks can add nine years to your life.

Germ Cannons, the Clark Bar returns, and LGBT news from around the country

09.12.18 | Farrah Fawcett’s son viciously beats a gay man in L.A., a couple is denied a marriage license in New York State, and other LGBT news items are covered in The Random Sample. Bathroom hand dryers are essentially ‘germ cannons,’ and the return of the Clark Bar caught our eye.

TFG Unbuttoned: Three stories that remind us it’s still all about communication

09.11.18 | A California restaurant doubles down on their “no unruly children” policy, a same-sex couple feels they were not handled properly in the early boarding phase of a recent flight, and a Houston art gallery uses humor to solve a parking issue with a church across the street.

Time for some Fall resolutions

09.05.18 | Why wait until the New Year? Make and keep some resolutions this Fall. A shop was caught sticking googly eyes on fish to ‘make them look fresh,’ and Star Wars action figures and premium scotch apparently don’t mix. Nike’s new campaign causes an uproar, French schools ban phones and tablets during the day, and ‘placebo buttons’ are everywhere.

TFG Unbuttoned: Trolling the neighbors with a rainbow-colored house

09.04.18 | A same sex couple paints their house in the colors of the rainbow to troll their homophobic neighbors, you might not regret claiming your social security at 62, and college students are rightly outraged over a $999 online textbook. However, the university does have a method to its pricing madness.

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