
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

TV Producer Terence Noonan, and The One Interview Mistake That’s Easy To Fix

07.12.17 | Six time Emmy Award-winning Television Producer Terence Noonan joins The Focus Group. Having worked with some of the greatest names in TV, and continuing to discover new talent, Terence shares insights about hard work, persistence, and showing up. But first, our Business Birthday celebrates the greatest entrepreneur of the 18th century and Shop Talk explores the number one thing that can ruin your job interview.

What are Tim and John’s favorite Costco finds?

07.05.17 | It’s The Focus Group 4th of July Special! Aside from the usual banter, Tim and John revisit the best of their interviews with Frank DeCaro, Jim Colucci, Derek Hartley and Romaine Patterson. Then Tim and John go to Costco and share their 5 favorite finds-currently. Let us know what you found…if you are a Costco shopper.

Paul Hagen wraps up Gay Pride Month

06.28.17 | Paul Hagen, Editor-in-Chief of Metrosource Magazine, joins The Focus Group to put the cherry on the sundae of our June Pride programming. Paul always has a good time with Tim and John. But first, Vera Wang has a birthday, John recaps his Pride march in NYC, a Swiss café gives you a latte and a hummer, and a woman gets fired from her job for being a woman.

The Focus Group LGBT Business Spotlight

06.21.17 | Brian Roman, President of promotions and marketing company AdMark360, launches a new quarterly segment that spotlights LGBT owned businesses across North America. On our maiden voyage, we learn about beard and junk oils from John Dodge, founder of J&L Pogonotrophics in Chicago. Then, Michael Jones of Our Community USA, joins us to talk about producing LGBT business and service guides for over 40 US cities. But first, Tim and John talk NYC Pride and corporate exclusivity with listener Billy Kittner, show some hilarious “Planet of the Apes” toys from listener Rob in Florida, visit the Museum of Failures in Sweden, and wish William Scholl of Foot Care Fame a Happy Business Birthday.

Brook Altman, founder of Prowdr.com

06.14.17 | Brook Altman, CEO and Founder of Prowdr, talks about her latest venture and what it takes to build an LGBTQ welcoming lifestyle brand. Abercrombie and Fitch stubs their toe with a Pride tweet, birthday party cookies go wrong, and our business birthday, for the first time in 9 years, is…Donald J. Trump! Happy 71st. Shop Talk explores Philadelphia’s controversial push to add black and brown stripes to the Rainbow Flag.

Happy Pride with Derek and Romaine

06.07.17 | The Pride Leprechaun says “Happy Pride!” The Focus Group kicks off Pride with a visit from Derek and Romaine. We catch up on their internship program, Romaine’s love of money, and Derek’s relationship woes while on the infamous DNR Cruise Events. But first, Drag Queens host story time at the local Cherry Hill, NJ Library and Lancaster, CA is betting on Asians and Gays to save the town.

Try Really Try! Johnny Quest meets Norman Vincent Peale

05.31.17 | The Focus Group this week celebrates the start of summer and Pride season with Tim’s recap of Rehoboth Beach and John’s trip to the Norman Rockwell Museum to experience the Hanna Barbera Exhibit. Willlllmaaaa! Tim and John share their views on Kathy Griffin, and Donald Trumps former Pastor—Norman Vincent Peale. Peale’s book, “The Power of Positive Thinking” was a road map for the Trump Campaign. Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, enjoy a heartwarming story about Roger Moore, learn to say “no,” and find out what the best selling cookie brands are in the USA during Tim’s List.

Summer reading list and weekend road trips

05.24.17 | Tim and John get set for the kick-off of the summer season with books they would like to read and road trips they would like to take. But first, the founder of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and former CEO of VW have birthdays, John Water’s is hosting a Summer Camp, Connecticut outlaws Conversion Therapy for LGBT youth, John explores Anthill Art, and Tim reminds us that June 11th is the National March for Equality and Unity in D.C. Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend. Honor those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.

Jim Werner discusses Fagabond.com and his recent trip to Cuba

05.17.17 | The Focus Group welcomes LGBT travel expert Jim Werner, to talk about the 5th Anniversary of his travel site Fagabond and his recent trip to Cuba. Tim thinks horror and sci-fi movies are one in the same, John ponders building a Saturn V Lego rocket, and Pick That Flick features summer blockbusters.

Know anyone who has left the country to live elsewhere since the election of Donald Trump? We do!

05.10.17 | Jam packed episode this week. First, Tim and John share their results from the JobFlare app. A Focus Group frequent guest packs up and leaves the USA. Man About World Founder Ed Salvato joins the conversation as we explore his new Handbook of LGBT Tourism and Hospitality. And finally, Jude Miller Burke, Ph.D. discusses her book The Adversity Advantage, which explores how childhood hardship can lead to career and life success.

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