Past Shows

Saturday, July 11th
Charles MacPherson lays out the essentials of entertaining and business etiquette in The Pocket Butler: A Compact Guide to Modern Manners, Business Etiquette and Everyday Entertaining. In his signature unfussy and approachable style, Charles shows how modern manners are more important than ever before, not only for those just entering the workforce, but for all professionals at any stage in their careers. Shop Talk looks at how to avoid the #1 career mistake: Not having a mentor. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, July 4th
Celebrate the 4th in Focus Group style. Shop Talk takes a walk down memory lane with Tim and John as they remember their old summer jobs. Volkswagen Advertising Manager Chanel Arola discusses how the brand’s integration with Discovery’s Shark Week is aiming to change perceptions of sharks through music. Renowned business culture expert Stan Slap‘s latest book Under the Hood shows the difference between understanding your employees and understanding your employee culture. Sandblast Atlantic City Co-Producer Bruce Yelk shares what’s on tap for the second year of this unique three-day beach party taking place July 17-19.

Saturday, June 27th
Jim Werner & Mike Sheridan are Co-owners of Fagabond, a site for gay men who love to travel and who do not want to leave their sexuality at home. The site provides advice, reviews, and deals with a focus on U.S. destinations—so you can get away for the weekend or a week, without searching for your passport. Shop Talk looks at some of the unintended consequences of gay marriage. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, June 20th
Malcolm Lazin is the Executive Director of Equality Forum, a national and international LGBT civil rights organization with an educational focus. He is Chair of the four-day National LGBT 50th Anniversary Celebration in Philadelphia July 2-5, and will share details of the event, which features a July 4th ceremony at Independence Hall.
In Marketing Above The Noise author Linda J. Popky urges CMOs to stop directing so much attention to new technologies and platforms and to instead focus on the often neglected eight timeless truths of advertising. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, June 13th
Shop Talk looks at Franklin Graham’s recent call for Christians to boycott Wells Fargo for featuring a same-sex couple who adopts a child in a TV spot. Graham is also moving his organizations $100 million account from Wells to a bank in Miami, which ironically sponsors their local pride event. Does boyctting a company that reflects its customers effective nowadays? Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, June 6th
In 2009, BlackBerry controlled half of the smartphone market. Today that number is less than one percent. What went so wrong? Author Jacquie McNish tells the riveting story of a company that toppled global giants before succumbing to the ruthlessly competitive forces of Silicon Valley in Losing the Signal. The rise and fall of BlackBerry reveals the dangerous speed at which innovators race along the information superhighway. Shop Talk looks at five ways your thank-you note could cost you the job. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, May 30th
Erin McHugh returns with her new book, Like My Father Always Said…: Gruff Advice, Sweet Wisdom, and Half-Baked Instructions on How to Fix Your Stuff and Your Life. From quips to short anecdotes, the book is divided up into all the sage and nutty information we garner from our fathers in chapters such as “Growing Up Right,” “The Facts of Life,” “Dad’s Soft Spot,” “Got It from Grandpa,” “The Sporting Life,” and “Ask Your Mother.”
Shop Talk looks at how typing might be destroying your memory. Studies show that you’re more likely to remember things that you write down. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, May 23rd
Exotic travel and a visit from Paul Hagen kick off the start to Summer 2015. Jody Cole, one of the few American women with two of the highest certifications for field guides in Africa, owns and operates Wild Rainbow African Safaris. Based in Sacramento, California, Wild Rainbow offers LGBT travelers the opportunity to safely experience Africa and all its delights.
Paul Hagen puts the culture back into pop culture with movie and book recommendations to keep you busy over the next few months. Then he hosts a rousing edition of his clever game Can You Focus.

Saturday, May 16th
Michael Klopotowski, Volkswagen’s product planner for the Golf family, discusses the updated Golf line, including the launch of the new Golf SportWagen. Tune In to Wow Leadership: 10 Lessons Learned from America’s Favorite Shows, is author Sheri Staak‘s new book at how the fictional world of TV depicts a plethora of characters who embody “WOW leadership qualities.” She showcases heroes—from All in the Family to Seinfeld to 30 Rock—as well as villains—from The Sopranos to NYPD Blue to Breaking Bad—to illustrate her insights in entertaining and vividly memorable ways. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, May 9th
Shop Talk looks at Generation Z and teaching proper work etiquette. The oldest members of this cohort are barely 18 and they’re already getting a bad rap. Media and market research companies have labeled them “screen addicts” with the attention span of a gnat. And the pressure: They only have the weight of saving the world and fixing our past mistakes on their small shoulders. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.