
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Saturday, November 17th

RobySchapiraThe Wells Fargo Financial Focus takes a look at the needs of small business with Roby Schapira, a 14-year Wells Fargo veteran who oversees the Small Business and Affluent segments in New Mexico.

KellyMcDonaldKelly McDonald is the author of the best selling How to Market to People Not Like You, and has just released Crafting the Customer Experience to People Not Like You. Taking control of your organization’s customer service is empowering—it’s 100% in your control at all times, and it’s more important than ever. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, November 10th

RobySchapiraThe Wells Fargo Financial Focus takes a look at the needs of small business with Roby Schapira, a 14-year Wells Fargo veteran who oversees the Small Business and Affluent segments in New Mexico.

JimBobJim Burba and Bob Hayes have been successful partners—in business and in life. As co-founders of the Burba Hotel Network, the couple have been developing and producing the world’s most prominent gatherings of the hotel and tourism investment community. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, November 3rd

EmergencyShop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. This weekend, the aftermath of Sandy is on the agenda, with the discussion ranging from how to manage information during a blackout, to getting your business back up and running after a severe weather event.

TicketsTest your movie knowledge when we play John Says…Pick That Flick. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 27th

MachelleMachelle Williams leads Volkswagen Group of America‘s Corporate Diversity initiative. Under her leadership, VW has been recognized as a Best Place to Work by the Human Rights Campaign achieving a 100% score on the Corporate Equality Index three times since 2008. Machelle joins Tim and John to talk about the importance of diversity in the workplace, and how it actually plays out in daily office life.

October is National Credit Awareness Month, and the subject of the Wells Fargo Financial Focus with banker Patricia Izzo. She is back in-studio with answers to some consumer credit questions. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 20th

WellsWagonOctober is National Credit Awareness Month, and the subject of the Wells Fargo Financial Focus with banker Patricia Izzo. She is back in-studio with answers to some consumer credit questions.

ObamaRomneyRicky’s NYC has been a part of New York’s urban chic culture for nearly two decades. It is the go-to place for everything Halloween, a holiday so popular that pop-up shops are opened around the city to accommodate the crowds. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 13th

RichardBrowerThe Strip and Beyond visits with Richard Brower, the Director of LGBT Marketing for Caesars Entertainment, which received a perfect rating from the HRC on its Corporate Equality Index. October is National Credit Awareness Month, and the subject of the Wells Fargo Financial Focus with banker Patricia Izzo.

NevillePageBarryRobisonNeville Page is a judge on SyFy’s Face Off, a series exploring the world of special-effects make-up artists. His career as a top creative designer started at the age of 17. Barry Robison is an Award-Winning production designer and a judge on Hot Set, also on SyFy. He has worked alongside some of the biggest directors in Hollywood. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 6th

BillyKolberBilly Kolber is the Publisher and Creative Director of the new digital gay travel magazine, ManAboutWorld. Each issue brings an insider view of the most popular destinations, and inspiration to explore beyond them. Download a free trial issue at iTunes.

PaulPaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 29th

OneGoodDeedAuthor Erin McHugh set out on her birthday to do one good deed every day for an entire year. Maybe she wouldn’t be saving orphans from burning buildings, but she wanted to take one small, and make someone else’s life just a little bit better. One Good Deed is the inspiring, smart, and frequently funny chronicle of that year.

Psychic Carol London, who forecasts both personal and global aspects of business and world events with amazing accuracy, will take listener questions, while she talks about trends she sees for the rest of 2012 and the year ahead. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 22nd

RobyCharlieDonnaThe Wells Fargo Financial Focus takes a look at the needs of small business with Roby Schapira, a 14-year Wells Fargo veteran who oversees the Small Business and Affluent segments in New Mexico. Charlie Taylor, General Manager, Digital Marketing for the Volkswagen of America, discusses social media and it’s role in advertising, and introduces WhyVW: Every ride in a Volkswagen is an adventure, VW wants to hear your story too. Donna Serdula is the author of LinkedIn Makeover: Professional Secrets to a POWERFUL LinkedIn Profile! She’ll be discussing the new look of LinkedIn, and the newly added company pages. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 15th

RobySchapiraThe Wells Fargo Financial Focus takes a look at the needs of small business with Roby Schapira, a 14-year Wells Fargo veteran who began his career in 1998 as a part-time teller in Scottsdale, AZ. He continued on to Personal Banker, Licensed Banker, Store Manager and Sales Development Consultant in Tucson and Phoenix.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. One they will look at is “6 Steps to Getting More Stuff Done.” Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

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