
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

TFG Unbuttoned: China cracks down on ink

01.24.23 | China is regulating tattoos labeling them as immoral, western, and not in keeping with Confucian Societal norms. But first, over 70% of advertised direct-to-consumer medications have a low therapeutic value versus what is currently on the market. Finally, the Canadian Girl Guides drop the category of Brownie and will now call members Embers.

Ronzoni, M&M’s, and Tito’s

01.18.23 | Shop Talk covers three stories about the cancellation of Ronzoni’s Pastina, female M&M’s and Martha Stewart’s ode to Dry January with Tito’s Vodka. Caught My Eye reveals some Star Wars toys that may be worth a fortune. Check your attic! Also, a Penn State professor, Sam Richards, encourages straight men to watch gay porn to see if they may be bisexual. The same class also teaches females how to urinate standing up. The inventor of barbed wire, Joseph Glidden, is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Money Talks in Poland

01.17.23 | One Million Moms are up in arms about a TurboTax commercial that shows a same sex marriage. If you blinked, you’d miss it, but this is on the radar for the religious righteous. Then, a Polish town that passed anti-LGBT legislation creating a LGBT Free-Zone has reversed their decision when they realized they would lose funding from the EU. Finally, Japan is offering Tokyo residents an incentive to move to the less populated regions of the country.

Potato, Potata

01.11.23 | UPenn Professor and author, Peter S. Fader, is our guest on Shop Talk. Peter is the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School and his expertise centers around the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/purchasing activities. His latest book, The Customer-Base Audit, encourages marketers to put the customer first for success. Caught My Eye looks at the country of Turkey’s name change and a new documentary about Miss Cleo. Laurens Hammond, inventor of the Hammond Organ, is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Louisiana institutes porn ID

01.10.23 | Out and Advocate magazines come under a new LGBTQ managed entity called Equal Pride. Leadership says a focus on the underserved and GenZ LGBTQ audience will be a priority. Louisiana is going to require a government issued ID to access online porn. Finally, a couple rented a Tesla during the recent cold snap that gripped most of the lower 48 and learned the pitfalls of EV ownership in weather extremes.

The top 6 mid-size cities for LGBTQ retirement

01.04.23 | Shop Talk shares a recent study that highlights six mid-sized cities that LGBTQ people should consider for retirement. Caught My Eye looks at people who have died in 2022 that while not celebrities, certainly deserve notice. Esther Snyder, co-founder of the famous burger chain In and Out Burger, is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Get your Trump Toilet Brush

01.03.23 | Welcome to 2023! This week we look at the increase of same sex married couples in the USA and then discuss the reusable grocery bag. If you are not using your reusable bag over 7,000 times, the environmental impact is questionable. Finally, a Trump Super Store in Myrtle Beach, SC continues to do well since opening last year.

A Ghost from Christmas Past

12.28.22 | Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Tim and John pull some favorite interviews from their 2011 Holiday Special. Join The Focus Group as they welcome The Fabulous Beekman Boys, Preppy Legend Lisa Birnbach, Actor Taylor Negron, and the Butch Baker David Arrick. Holiday tunes from Crooner Michael Richard Kelly, musician Tom Adams, and concert and cabaret artist, Eddie Bruce, add to the festive occasion. Please enjoy!

TFG Unbuttoned: No Bah Humbug from us

12.27.22 | Happy Holidays! Tim and John reach back into the Holiday Special vault from 2010 to bring you this week’s TFG Unbuttoned. Career Coach Andrew Giuliani joins the party, and we host a Manhattan tasting test. Crooner Michael Richard Kelly, and famed pianist Tom Adams, provide a festive landscape with song. Enjoy!

The most mispronounced word of 2022

12.21.22 | Shop Talk covers a CNBC story about LGBTQ workplace and consumer acceptance. Caught My Eye reveals a huge aquarium that collapses in Berlin, Germany causing much damage and the death of exotic fish in the lobby of a #Radisson Hotel. Also, find out how to say #acai and we reveal the most mispronounced word of 2022. Jim Rose, co-founder of the Jim Rose Circus Show of Oddities, is our Business Birthday. Happy 66th Jim!

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