
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

TFG Unbuttoned: Hello Dolly

08.11.20 | Hasbro pulls a Troll doll from the shelves due to an unfortunately placed button. How do these things get to the production stage? Then, Halloween candy sales are expected to slump, and chickens become the newest pandemic pet. Dolls, candy, and chickens. How can you resist?

Achieve success with the right mindset

08.05.20 | Shop Talk looks at 4 mindsets that we should all employ to aid in achieving success. As with many things, attitude is key. But first, Caught My Eye looks at an artist’s version of pandemic Barbie dolls and Trader Joe’s backtracks on earlier news that it would change the names of Trader Jose’s and Trader Ming’s. A spokesperson says that the company would not change any product names based on a petition and the names were “fun and showed appreciation for other cultures.” The father of the Multiplex Theater, Stanley Durwood, is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Another LGBTQ boycott

08.04.20 | Conservative Christians are going to have a tough time shopping as they have added Hallmark gift wrap, cards, and ornaments to their boycott list. They are upset about same-sex relationships in some Hallmark Channel storylines. Steve Jobs exhibits emotional intelligence and there is a study that shows car service app drivers will exhibit a bias toward LGBTQ customers. Overall the study showed that drivers were 3 times more likely to cancel rides once they found out the pick-up was LGBTQ based on user profiles.

Make It Work

07.29.20 | Tim Gunn of Project Runway fame is our Business Birthday this week. Also, stoop finds and drive-thru strip clubs Caught Our Eye. Shop Talk explores 5 steps that will help improve your memory—whether someone’s birthday, name, or counting cards at the casino—it’s all about practice.

TFG Unbuttoned: Play Ball

07.28.20 | The Dollar Shave Club is offering a $25,000 prize for the man who can best describe the importance of his balls. Tim and John are going to give it a shot. Find the rules on our Facebook Page #FocusGroupRadio. Also, people under 30 are more agnostic in their remote work apps to get things done, and Netflix stops production of a Turkish series due to pressure from Turkey’s government because there was a gay character as part of the story.

LGBTQ retirement conundrum

07.22.20 | Shop Talk looks at how the LGBTQ population views saving for retirement. Surprisingly, only 30% think it’s a major concern—and we wonder if that is the same for Americans overall. Caught My Eye looks at underage kids dressing up like old people to buy liquor, and 45 moves the Clinton and Bush Presidential portraits out of public view at the White House. Ely Culbertson, the man who helped make the game of Contract Bridge popular in the USA is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Condom sales up and down

07.21.20 | Tobacco sales continue to decline in most industrial countries, and a study sites plain packaging in places like the UK for contributing to the sales slump. A well-written article about a man in Charlotte, NC that was not only a champion retailer, but an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, is the best honor that any of us could ask for. Finally, due to social distancing and less socializing, Durex has announced that while the e-commerce condom business is up, the overall business is way down.

The advertising pivot

07.15.20 | Shop Talk looks at how advertisers have crafted their consumer messaging during the event. Thanks to our Fort Worth listener for the topic! But first, Caught My Eye looks at chatter in the Trader Joe’s Line and the complications of the word “master” in real estate and other uses are revealed. Maggie Lena Walker, an African American businesswoman and the first woman to charter and run a bank in the United States is our Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Use your coins

07.14.20 | Lunch in NYC and dinner in London? Supersonic travel plans a comeback with Denver based Boom Supersonic. If all goes as planned, passenger flights can begin as soon as the second half of the decade. Then, currency requires circulation which is not happening. This is creating a coin shortage. What can you do? Finally, a British woman is convicted of scamming a million dollars worth of benefits over 15 years by claiming she was blind and disabled.

Money and Life lessons people learn too late in life

07.08.20 | Shop Talk this week explores a father’s letter to his kid: The 9 money and life lessons most people learn too late in life. But first, Legos and hotdogs Caught our Eye and the inventor of Cocoa-Cola is our Business Birthday. Our partner Deep Discount is celebrating Ultraman Day, July 10th, with a Blu-Ray Exclusive of the series with never before released content.

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