Past Shows

Saturday, December 5th
Eric Arnold from the Tasting Room will be discussing all things wine—pairings, holiday varietals, and price versus value. The Focus Group discovered Tasting Room in Forbes Magazine a few years back, their Tasting Kit concept and selections are by far the best and only such service. Shop Talk will discuss the importance of the job search—even in December when most people ignore the month as “lost.” Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, November 28th
Tim and John welcome the Warwick Rowers to the studio. The celebrated oarsmen are probably best known around the world for their naked calendars, which help fund their sport, and enables them to do their own outreach program to young people called Sport Allies, which promotes LGBT inclusion in team sport. In the second hour Aunt Barbara reminds us of Holiday Etiquette. Join us Saturday at 11am EST.

Saturday, November 21st
Bright and sassy Aunt Barbara is North America’s top Tupperware salesperson. This successful businesswoman will be sharing holiday entertaining and etiquette tips, and of course the latest and greatest from Tupperware. Shop Talk looks at the 2016 HRC Corporate Equality Index, the first one to rate global LGBT workplace inclusion. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, November 14th
Tom Banton is the Sales Engineering Director at APTTUS, a corproation that provides organizations with an alternative and significantly better way to automate business functions. He’ll be sharing insights about best job search and hiring practices from his extensive background in recruiting, training and managing a global team. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, November 7th
Uwern Jong is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of OutThere/Travel. Having had a fruitful career in PR and marketing for luxury lifestyle and travel brands, his current mission is to seek out the very best in OutThere experiences. When he’s resting his itchy feet, he consults and speaks on LGBT marketing and runs Boutique, his integrated marketing and PR agency specialising in activating LGBT audiences. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 31st
This week on The Focus Group it’s just us…and all things Halloween. Shop Talk looks at a recent article that explores the pros and cons of working your way through college. In the second hour we will be wall to wall games, banter, and listener participation! Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 24th
Ed Starr is the Managing Partner of BMF Media Group, one of the leading innovative brand marketing and experiential event agencies in NYC. Since 2005, The BMF Media Group has produced the longest standing, and most coveted, celebrity-filled event series of private concerts, gifting lounges and exclusive after-parties at Lollapalooza, Coachella & Outlands. Brian and Bruce will speak to staying relevant in the digital age, something every business can relate to. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 15th
Pat Ammons from the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL, will talk about this unique museum and experience, along with the various programs they offer for space enthusiasts of all ages—Space Camp being a very popular one. Robert M. Galford is one of the co-authors of Simple Sabotage: A Modern Field Manual for Detecting and Rooting Out Everyday Behaviors That Undermine Your Workplace will also be on for a segment. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 10th
John Lake, VP, LGBT Segment Manager, Wells Fargo Enterprise Marketing and Dr. Eliza Byard, Executive Director for GLSEN, discuss their Safe Space Kit innitiative to address anti-LGBT bullying in middle and high schools. Bringing visibility to the challenges facing LGBT youth is an important passion for Wells Fargo. October 15 is Spirit Day, a way to show support and solidarity for LGBT youth. Wells Fargo has participated in Spirit Day since 2012, with employees all over “going purple” for the day.

Saturday, October 3rd
Malcolm Lazin is the Executive Director of Equality Forum, a national and international LGBT civil rights organization with an educational focus. For LGBT History month, Equality Forum profiles the icons of 2015—including Laverne Cox, Edie Windsor and Evan Wolfson—with a short video, bio, bibliography and downloadable resources. All 310 Icons can be accessed at LGBT History Month. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.