Past Shows

Saturday, October 18th
The Wells Fargo Financial Focus looks at credit with Joshua Carrick, a Wells Fargo Private Banker in the New York City area. October is Credit Awareness Month—maintaining and managing your credit profile leads to a better score, more options for home financing, and financial products for small business owners. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 11th
Matt Skallerud began his online career in May 1995 with the launch of, and is now President of Pink Banana Media. Specializing in the LGBT marketplace, Pink Banana works with businesses to build their social media content networks and strategies.
Chris Taylor is deputy editor of Mashable, the world’s largest social media and technology news website and the author of How Star Wars Conquered the Universe: The Past, Present, and Future of a Multibillion Dollar Franchise, an energetic and witty account of this stunning cinematic and business success story. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 4th
Jeff Yeager, America’s favorite cheapskate and author of How to Retire the Cheapskate Way, talks about the concept of Upcycling—making would-be garbage into something new, useful, or even beautiful. It’s not only good for the environment and our bank accounts, it can also be a fun. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 26th
As sons of Greek immigrants, Peter and Greg Kaldes grew up eating food made with fresh olive oil from their family’s generations-owned olive groves. Knowing they would someday inherit those groves, they launched in 2010 Kaldí—Pure Greek Taste, simple yet sophisticated Greek food like the kind they grew up with.
Shop Talk looks at managing your email in-box with tips from Google’s Eric Schmidt. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 20th
Getting let go from a job is very rarely a good thing, and this weekend Tim and John invite listeners to share their stories about being fired for a chance to win a VW First Act electric guitar. Call 866-305-6887 with your own experience, or your story of witnessing someone getting let go, or perhaps you had to do the actual firing yourself.

Saturday, September 13th
The Wells Fargo Financial Focus returns with a one hour special dedicated to planning matters for the LGBT consumer. Kyle Young, CFP and Accredited Domestic Partnership Advisor with Wells Fargo Advisors LLC, Member SIPC, will be answering listener questions on topics ranging from same-sex marriage on a State vs. Federal level, how to financially prepare and save for a new family, as well as retirement planning. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 6th
Kevin Glodek is the Founder and President of Chefs Diet National, which was created to revolutionize the word “diet.” Chefs Diet has successfully helped thousands of Americans lose weight and keep it off, and has been rated #1 in the US for fresh food home delivery by Epicurious, a division of Conde Nast.
Shop Talk looks at how marketers are hoping to take advantage of the history of their venerable brands as shoppers show a renewed interest in the roots of the products they buy. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, August 30th
Tim and John have created a special broadcast for Labor day 2014 and the unofficial end of summer. First up is TJ Dolliver, National Parts and Service Marketing Manager at Volkswagen of America, with smart driving tips and advice to benefit any driver. The incomparable Paul Hagen will be in-studio as well to share his picks for the best media of the summer, and hosts his trademark Can You Focus game—with some unpredictable results.

Saturday, August 23rd
Eric Arnold is the Editorial Director for the Tasting Room by Lot18, a first-of-its-kind wine club, creating the most personalized experience available on the market. He’s also the author of First Big Crush, which chronicles the year he spent working at a winery in New Zealand.
Shop Talk takes a look at why clothing can make or break an interview. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, August 16th
R. Scott Creighton is the Global Vice President of the Marketing Excellence (Mx) Group at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Companies. He also led the development of the groundbreaking Care With Pride initiative. Now in its third year, Care With Pride is a multi-faceted campaign to raise awareness about the negative impact of bullying on the overall health and well-being of our youth, with particular emphasis on cultivating respect and equality for the LGBT community and LGBT families.
Shop Talk takes a look at how you can keep your cool with unprofessional colleagues. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.