
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Saturday, October 26th

J.Son_2013Mr. Gay Vegas, J.Son, reports in on The Strip and Beyond. He has been the driving force behind the successful Temptation Sundays pool party at Luxor for over four years, and at night, you can find him at Share Nightclub where he is the marketing manager and MC for the venue.

MarilynMayeMarilyn Maye, legendary cabaret singer and musical theatre actress, is currently appearing at 54 Below in New York through November 2nd. Says Rex Reed, “She has the kind of warm rapport with an audience Judy Garland used to have and displays the kind of socko energy that used to be a Betty Hutton exclusive.”

Saturday, October 19th

DonnaSerdulaDonna Serdula is the author of LinkedIn Makeover: Professional Secrets to a POWERFUL LinkedIn Profile! now in it’s second edition. She’ll come armed with plenty of new insights into getting the most from LinkedIn.

ErinMcHughErin McHugh has written 20 books on a wide variety of subjects, from travel to gay history, her most recent a Focus Group favorite, One Good Deed. She will be sharing details about her latest project. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, October 12th

JesseBrianPaulIn his new book, They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura reopens the investigation on the most controversial case in American history: the assassination of JFK. Brian Roman is a marketing executive and entrepreneur with extensive experience developing brands and delivering unique marketing solutions. His company, Admark360, provides listeners with the famous Focus Group socks. Paul Hagen of Metrosource magazine continues his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope.

Saturday, October 5th

WellsLogoOn the Wells Fargo Financial Focus, Tim and John discuss the steps everyone should take to protect themselves from credit card fraud, and what to do if you have been the victim of identity theft. Listeners can join the conversation at 866-305-6887. It’s never to late to learn how to become a better negotiator, Shop Talk looks at various approaches.

Saturday, September 28th

DrWebberA London native, Dr. Webber is an experienced software company CEO, a mother of two, and an internet entrepreneur with a Ph.D. in quantum physics. She was recently named an “Up-And-Comer” in Forbes for starting Virtual Piggy, the first e-commerce solution that enables kids to manage and spend money within a parent-controlled environment. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 21st

JeffYeagerJeff Yeager, America’s favorite cheapskate and author of How to Retire the Cheapskate Way, showcases ten common spending regrets—looking at items people buy and wish they didn’t. It’s not just about spending less, it’s about spending smart.

Want a raise? Think your performance review was unfair? Tim and John show you how to broach five difficult topics with your boss, without hurting your career on Shop Talk. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 14th

PaulHagenPaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine continues his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. Up for discussion: How you can leave a lasting impression by creating an effective mini-story about yourself. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 7th

WellsLogoOn the Wells Fargo Financial Focus, Tim and John discuss the importance of credit: What a good score is, how to understand it, and how having good credit affects most aspects of someone’s financial life. Listeners can join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

JimMcMichaelThe Strip and Beyond visits with Jim McMichael, Diversity & Cultural Manager with the LVCVA (Las Vegas Convention & Visitor Authority) handling the LGBT markets and cultural tourism programming. He was most recently at Fashion Show Las Vegas as the Sr. Marketing Manager.

Saturday, August 31st

Summer2013To mark the end of summer, original Shop Talk along with some unforgettable personalities. Aunt Barbara is the creation of Robert Suchan, and can be spotted in the most fashionable homes of Long Island and the Tri-State area demonstrating Tupperware’s varied line of quality products. Tim Gunn needs no introduction. His remarkable career includes 24 years at Parsons School of Design, Chief Creative Officer of Liz Claiborne Inc., two books, and host of “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style.”

Saturday, August 24th

EyalFeldmanEntrepreneur Eyal Feldman began Boy Butter at the age of 24 with a small financial investment and a lot of energy. Ten years later, he has released over 30 different products which are sold all over the world. A dedicated athlete and passionate philanthropist, Eyal swims two miles a day, and organizes annual marathon swims across various bodies of water around the world to raise money for organizations that serve the elderly. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

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