
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Would you pay $900 for dirty sneakers?

04.24.19 | Gucci is selling a new sneaker that looks dirty and used for as much as $1,500. Many on Twitter feel you could get the same shoe at the Goodwill for four bucks! A Kansas couple has eaten the same meal, at the same restaurant, 6 days a week, for the last 15 years. But first, Tim and John have a beef with taxes, there are no mirrors in bathrooms at Disney World, and a bachelorette party gets out of hand. Chairman of Microsoft, John W. Thompson is the Business Birthday.

TFG Unbuttoned: Mom, Dad? Where’s my 12 boxes of movies?

04.23.19 | The Royal Canadian Mint will be issuing a new $1 coin to commemorate 50 years since the partial decriminalization of homosexuality. The new Loonie, to be released on April 23rd, is causing backlash from both LGBT activists and social conservatives. Gallup tells us that fewer people than ever consider themselves part of organized religion and rarely attend formal services at a church, synagogue, or mosque. Finally, a 40-year-old man is suing his parents for $87,000 after they tossed his 12 boxes of porn movies, smutty mags, and sex toys.

Shopping while drinking cost American consumers $40 billion. What did people buy?

04.17.19 | Millennials were supposed to be the “car-free” generation, but their ownership of autos looks a lot like that of older Americans. Some tips for stopping modern distractions from stealing your attention, and shopping while having some drinks can really add up. Music exec Don Kirshner is our Business Birthday, and overheard conversations in Los Angeles caught John’s eye.

TFG Unbuttoned: Have a Happy Politically Incorrect Easter!

04.16.19 | The American Library Association noted that more than half of the books banned in 2019 were LGBT titles, especially those with transgender characters. Chocolate Easter Bunnies were pulled from the shelf over a name, and a New Jersey house sets up a racy Easter display.

Older is getting younger every day

04.10.19 | Authors Erin McHugh and Emily Luchetti join The Focus Group to celebrate the launch of their book: So Who’s Counting? Both having reached milestone birthdays got tired of people asking them if they would retire. Heck no, they are looking forward to what’s next! Their new book full of quotes and snippets that celebrate getting older and wiser is sure to put a smile on your face. But first, Pride Media/Out Magazine is in hot water with some of its writers and freelancers.

TFG Unbuttoned: Yabba Dabba Doo!

04.09.19 | An online petition is set-up to save “The Flintstone House” in California. Seems the addition of toad stools to the yard did not have proper permits. We call BS. But first, young republicans are less in favor of LGBT Rights than any other group in America according to a new study. The big takeaway is that education has a direct correlation to acceptance of all people. Watch those invoices: A big league grifter bilks Facebook and Google out of $123 million by submitting fake invoices—that they paid.

Garfield The Cat phones wash up on beach!

04.03.19 | Garfield phones have been washing up on a French beach for years, and now the mystery of where they came from has been solved. Poland Spring Water sued for false advertising, and Tim and John encourage you to boycott Brunei. J. Ernest Talley, the King of the rent-to-own industry, is the Business Birthday. Shop Talk explores whether direct eye contact is always good and why you should consider attention management instead of time management.

TFG Unbuttoned: Shark Tank is lucrative for the “Gronk” Brothers

04.02.19 | Former NFL player Chris Gronkowski pitched his product, the Ice Shaker, with the help of his other four professional athlete brothers on the popular show “Shark Tank.” Sales went from $80,000 to over $3 million after their appearance on the show. Who says network TV has lost its influence and cache? But first, Google finally pulls “conversation therapy” app amid pressure from LGBTQ groups as Brunei enacts Phase 2 and 3 of Sharia Law, which allows death by stoning for people proved gay. While we await our State Department to take a stand, Elton John and George Clooney have called for a boycott of Brunei’s Bel Air and Beverly Hills Hotels in the USA.

America’s happiest and saddest states

03.27.19 | Do you live in one of the happiest or saddest states in America? Some surprises but being content is a state of mind. But first, Tim and John are surprised about which city took the title of most gay in the USA, Nathaniel Currier is the business birthday, and Goldman Sachs wishes new young hires had better writing skills. Please like, subscribe, and rate us on your platforms of choice.

TFG Unbuttoned: The Mueller Report is in, and about as exciting as Al Capone’s safe

03.26.19 | The Mueller Report has arrived and sent the media into a frenzy. The headline for the 2020 Election will be “No Collusion,” which is what most American’s will take away from the report. Let’s just get out and vote as neither party will decamp from their political agenda. Then, hate crimes on the rise in Trump Rally locations, a Verizon worker gets punished for a good deed, and neighbor sets-up a naked mannequin party when asked to lower his fence.

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