
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Saturday, October 1st

GranholmJennifer M. Granholm was elected governor of Michigan in 2002 and re-elected in 2006. Her new book, A Governor’s Story: The Fight for Jobs and America’s Economic Future, co-authored with Dan Mulhern, is a first-hand account from the front lines of a series of battles that exploded first in Michigan and that now are sweeping across all America. Filled with revealing stories about politics, economics, and the often-misunderstood connections between them, A Governor’s Story offers vital lessons not just for policy makers and business leaders but for anyone seeking insight into the challenges facing America today.

Paul_09-11Paul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 24th

GarfieldFonts surround us, on street signs and buildings, on movie posters and books, and on every product that we buy. But where do they come from, and why do we need so many? Simon Garfield is the author of Just My Type, an entertaining and revealing guide to the history of type that asks, “What does your favorite font say about you?”

Cheryl Evans is the founder and CEO of the Lantz Wellness Center. Offering a variety of life coaching services, its philosophy is simple: “Wellness” is not a static state; it is constantly in motion. Conventional medicine is focused on treating illness. Wellness medicine and coaching focus on preventing illness and enhancing well being and balance. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 17th

JeffDubbed “The Ultimate Cheapskate” by Matt Lauer on the TODAY Show, Jeff Yeager specializes in an offbeat blend of original humor and practical advice for living a better life by spending and consuming less. His first book, The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches is now in it’s sixth printing.

AubreyAubrey Sarvis is the Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), the most influential national organization dedicated to the repeal of DADT. He is featured in the HBO documentary The Strange History of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, which debuts Tuesday, September 20th, at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT).

TimTim Evans, Director of Marketing for Luxor Las Vegas, is the liason for all of Luxor’s LGBT initiatives, including their signature pool party, Temptation Sundays. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 10th

VillaRentalSteve Lassman, VP and General Manager of the Villa Division at World Travel Holdings, and Janet Levine talk about the launch of their new site—VillaRental.com. With a unique twist on the villa vacation planning process, the new site offers a fresh take on the way consumers search for and create the perfect vacation, customized to their vacation style and specific reasons for traveling.

Paul_5linePaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, September 3rd

NLGJAThis week’s broadcast is live from the 2011 National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). Guests include Jeff Guaracino, VP of Communications for the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation (GPTMC). NLGJA President David A. Steinberg, who is copy desk chief at The San Francisco Chronicle, and also serves as editor of The Chronicle Stylebook. Sarah Blazucki, editor of Philadelphia Gay News, the oldest LGBT newsweekly in the country. Matthew E. Berger spent more than a dozen years covering Washington politics and policy for television, print and online outlets before a new career in crisis communications. Amber Hall, Executive Producer at Sirius XM OutQ, shares her thoughts on the conference.

Saturday, August 27th

tonyIBM has been a leader in fostering diversity in the workplace. Business Development Executive and Global Leader Tony Tenicela joins Tim and John to talk about the work he does advising businesses on the role of diversity and collaboration, and his role in managing IBM’s commercial strategy for workforce diversity and GLBT solutions in the US, Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

JoshLas Vegas: The Strip and Beyond spends time with singer and actor Josh Strickland, the Grand Marshal of Vegas Pride 2011. He lives in Vegas and is one of the stars of Peepshow, the burlesque show at the Planet Hollywood Casino. Strickland also stars on the E! reality show Holly’s World with friend and Peepshow star Holly Madison. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, August 20th

baronBaron Wolman, Rolling Stone Magazine’s 1st Chief Photographer, not only witnessed the most important period of change in popular music and popular culture, but his photographs helped shape it. His new book, Baron Wolman: The Rolling Stone Years covers some of the most significant artists and events of the period.

ElaineElaine Paige, actress, recording artist, concert performer, producer and broadcaster, has made a major contribution to the modern musical and is known as “The First Lady of British Musical Theatre.” This Olivier Award winner will be appearing in the revival of Follies on Broadway. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, August 13th

CavettTim and John welcome the legendary Dick Cavett to the show this weekend. Many know him as the host of “The Dick Cavett Show”—which aired on ABC from 1968 to 1975 and on public television from 1977 to 1982. He is also the co-author of two books, has appeared on Broadway, and has made guest appearances in movies and TV shows. His new book, published November 2010, is Talk Show: Confrontations, Pointed Commentary, and Off-Screen Secrets.

NomDePlumeIn our current “look at me” era, privacy now seems a quaint relic. Yet as Carmela Ciuraru’s book Nom de Plume: A (Secret) History of Pseudonyms reminds us, it wasn’t always like this. Her book explores the stories of sixteen authorial impostors across centuries and cultures. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, August 6th

TimCurranTim and John continue the Get to Know Your Neighbors tour by welcoming Tim Curran to the show. Listeners know him as the News Director for OutQ, but might not know that Tim’s 25 year career in broadcasting was preceded by a decade of making documentaries.

Paul_5linePaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, July 30th

Shop Talk looks at the 13 Ways Your Resume Can Say “I’m Unprofessional.” If you want to be taken seriously when you apply for jobs, you need to put some polish on your resume, your cover letter and everything contained therein. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

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