Past Shows
Saturday, December 25th
To celebrate Christmas Day, a repeat performance of the Focus Group Holiday Party. Enjoy seasonal favorites performed by musical guest Michael Richard Kelly-Cataldi and Tom Adams, along with visits from many of the shows guests this past year. Thanks to all our listeners, guests and friends for making it a memorable and fun way to say farewell to 2010.
Thank you Rich Kiamco (seated, middle) for this great photo of The Focus Group Gang—Shaq, Katie, John and Tim.
Saturday, December 18th
In the fine tradition of variety shows and sitcoms, it’s time for The Focus Group’s Live Holiday Party. Enjoy seasonal favorites performed by musical guest Michael Richard Kelly-Cataldi, along with visits from many of the shows guests this past year. Plenty of surprises in store as Tim and John prepare to say goodbye to 2010.
Saturday, December 11th
This weekend, Tim and John come prepared to educate and entertain. The business news and interesting facts you expect from the show will be front and center. But we’ll also be having some holiday fun. On top of Tim’s List, tune-in to play John Says…Pick That Flick, a game that tests our listeners movie knowledge. You’ll have three chances to win some great
prizes, and on lucky listener will win a VW First Act electric guitar. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.
Get ready to ring in the holidays with The Focus Group Holiday Listening Party, Saturday, December 18th.
Saturday, December 4th
Tim and John are joined by writer Lisa Birnbach, author of True Prep: It’s a Whole New Old World. Many listeners may remember her first book, The Official Preppy Handbook, which became a runaway bestseller (38 weeks at #1 on the NYT bestseller list!) and a tongue-in-cheek reference guide for a generation—Tim and John’s, to be precise. She has since been the writer and co-writer of 20
books and has written for Parade, New York, The New Yorker, The New York Times, and Travel & Leisure.
Paul Hagen returns, putting the “culture” back in pop culture, with another segment of Metroscope. Unique new holiday music, movies and gift ideas are on the agenda. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887, and get ready for another chance to play Tim’s List as well.
Saturday, November 27th
Tim and John want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. If you are heading out to see family and friends, travel safe. And for your listening pleasure, from The Focus Group archives, the broadcast that was done from the 2010 Out & Equal Workplace Summit in Los Angeles, CA. The Summit is the premier annual global event focused specifically on workplace equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
Programming is targeted to LGBT employee resource groups, HR and diversity professionals, and LGBT and ally executives who take the learned materials back to their places of work to share, discuss, adapt and implement.
When we return, Lisa Birnbach, co-author of The Official Preppy Handbook, will discuss her new book, True Prep: It’s a Whole New Old World. And Paul Hagen will kick off the month with another installment of Metroscope.
Saturday, November 20th
Building a new business from scratch takes not just a good idea, but lots of hard work, patience and an ability to adapt to changes quickly. Tim and John welcome Jeff Diaz and John Robb, the Creators/Designers of Inseam Men clothing. Now in its tenth year, their mission has always been to create unique, great fitting, well-made clothing—some items are inspired by military uniform, some are exclusively fetish—yet the entire Inseam line is completely versatile to be worn any time, any place, and any season.
A long distance romance was the catalyst for Mark Lennox to start He created the site as a resource not only for gay and gay-friendly businesses and organizations but also for news, editorials, events, and user content. A one-stop source where visitors to the site can easily find whatever they need for businesses, organizations, professionals, and services. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887, and be prepared for Tim’s List.
Saturday, November 13th
Tim and John are joined by award winning advertising executive, writer and HIV/AIDS advocate Tyler J. Helms. Tyler began his career as a television news anchor and reporter in Mississippi, and currently serves as Vice President, Account Director at Deutsch NY. He is a regular contributor to The Advocate, and his column “Living the Questions”, based on his perspective and commentary as a young professional gay man who is HIV positive, remains one of the magazines top reads.
Steve Salee and Elena Deutsch of Wildfire Strategies—an organizational development firm that helps leaders and teams perform at their best—talk about upcoming group coaching sessions they are holding, which are created with LGBT employee group leaders in mind.
Business banter and Tim’s List are on deck, join the conversation at 866-305-6887.
Saturday, November 6th
Eva Marie Beale, family member and founder of Grey Gardens Collections, talks with Tim and John about her collection of vintage fabric, one-of-a-kind vintage-style jewelry, and handmade journals inspired by Edith Bouvier Beale (Little Edie) of Grey Gardens fame.
Andrew Somer, newest member of The Focus Group team, joins the show to talk about his background in targeted media sales, his days at Penthouse magazine, and his passion for movies, collecting, and memorabilia. Tim’s List is also on deck, so join the conversation at 866-305-6887.
Saturday, October 30th
It’s Halloween weekend, and with Tim out of town, count on John to deliver a show with a few Sci Fi twists. Author Mary Roach will be on to talk about “Packing For Mars. The Curious Science of Life in the Void.” Space is a world devoid of the things we need to live and
thrive: air, gravity, hot showers, fresh produce, privacy, beer. How much can a person give up? From the space shuttle training toilet to a crash test of NASA’s new space capsule (cadaver filling in for astronaut), Packing for Mars takes us on a surreally entertaining trip into the science of life in space and space on Earth.
Paul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns for another installment of Metroscope. He is on a mission for our listeners to put the “culture” back in “pop culture,” and has some tricks and treats in store. John will also unveil a new game.
Saturday, October 23rd
Frank Mastronuzzi joins Tim and John to share the story of how he launched a relationship-focused dating site created specifically for the LGBT community— It’s the result of his experience working at, where he realized there were no sites created specifically for the LGBT community by the LGBT community. The site has grown to 35,000 users, adding 150 new registrants a day.
Comedian Ben Kissel stops by for an update on his act, and where he has been performing, and recounts what it’s like being the only one of three brothers who is not gay. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887, and get ready to play Tim’s List.