
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

August 24: Tim and John Select their Top 5 Must Have Items from Trader Joe’s and ALDI

In this Focus Group Special, Tim and John share the top items that they specifically head for when shopping at Trader Joe’s and ALDI. While vastly different shopping experiences, the quality and price of the food and items can’t be beat. Did you know that the Albrecht Family trust of Germany controls both Trader Joe’s and ALDI? While they are run as separate units, you can sometimes recognize the same items just packaged differently.

August 20: Dog Days of Summer, Olympic Sex, and the Aging LGBT Population

Michael Adams, CEO of SAGE—Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders—joins The Focus Group to bring to the forefront some of the unique issues confronting the aging LGBT population. John considers being a volunteer and Tim harkens back to an old Seinfeld episode. Stay tuned. It’s National Lemonade Day! Support the Lemonade stands in your travels this summer. Jeff Stryker has a birthday and Shop Talk explores getting things done in August.

August 13: Andrew Bolton, The Olympics and Racist Potato Chips

Andrew Bolton, VP of Brand Partnerships at Knotch, joins Tim and John to talk about life as a world class rower, the Rio Olympic Games, and starting his career during one of the worst recessions in US history. Texts not intended for Mom, but sent to her by accident, caught John’s eye while Tim discusses the latest dust-up about “racist” images on the new Lay’s international flavor chip bags.

August 6: Doug Kalish, Creator of DougsGuides

Doug Kalish of DougsGuides joins The Focus Group to share several useful tips for people entering the job market, changing careers, and the importance of networking. Lucille Ball is one of the Business Birthday honorees and Tim and John both share five companies that they would like to work for during Shop Talk. But first, John is troubled by Tim having too much space on his computer dedicated to music.

July 30: America’s LGBT Buying Power & Oreo Taste Test

Bob Witeck, President of D.C.–based Witeck Communications, Inc., joins Tim and John to discuss the importance of corporations recognizing their LGBT customers with a consistent full year marketing effort beyond June Pride. Bob also shares the just released study, “America’s LGBT Buying Power,” which tops $917 billion! Tim and John share what Caught Their Eye, The Week in History and Science, and their signature Business Birthdays! Listener Don joins us to taste Japanese Oreos and Green Tea Kit Kats.

July 23: Curve Magazine & Worst Summer Jobs

Merryn Johns, Editor in Chief of Curve Magazine, joins The Focus Group to discuss a wide range of topics related to the importance of print media and what she sees as issues currently confronting women and lesbians in this election season. But first, Tim ponders the idea of joining the Mile High Club on Flamingo Air and John shares his least favorite summer job.

July 16th: Nathan Richardson, Co-Founder of Trading Ticket

Nathan Richardson, Co-Founder of Trading Ticket, Inc. joins The Focus Group this week to talk about Trade It, new mobile technology, and its importance to the financial market. Tim advises John to be careful if he travels to Machu Picchu and John shares some new ways doctors are diagnosing prostate cancer. Then, in what may be the funniest bit ever on The Focus Group—and that’s hard to do—listener Chuck from Atlanta accidently hit a button on his device while listening to a past show. You have to take a listen as Tim and John sound like they may have had too many libations or took a trip to Colorado.

July 13: Tim & John visit Jelly Belly!

Jelly Belly Special with Jana Sanders Perry and John Jamison. In this Focus Group Special, Tim and John recap their trip to the Jelly Belly Candy Factory and Tour in Fairfield, California. Jana tells us how long it takes to make a Jelly Belly Bean…and it’s longer than you think. John tells us a story about Dirt Flavored Beans, and Tim and John introduce Bean Boozled as a recurring feature for guests on The Focus Group. Thanks again to Jana and John for hosting us at Jelly Belly and we loved the Pancakes and Maple Syrup Flavored Beans as well!

July 9: Mike Wilke & Shanghai Oreos

Mike Wilke, LGBT Advertising Expert, founder of The Commercial Closet and AdRespect joins The Focus Group as we explore the evolution of LGBT marketing. Kellogg’s opens an all day Cereal Restaurant, Kim Jong-Un is stress eating, and Tim and John sample Oreo’s from China thanks to listener Don in Orlando…who calls in to talk through the tasting.

July 2: 4th of July Weekend & U.S. Small Business Administration

Eugene Cornelius, Jr., Deputy Associate Administrator for Field Operations for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), joins us this weekend. Eugene is the architect of LGBT inclusion in the Federal Government providing equal access to all entrepreneurs. Find out how to take advantage of all the SBA resources available to every taxpayer in the USA! John thinks Tim needs a hobby and Walmart celebrates the opening of its first store. Happy Canada Day and Happy Fourth of July—or as the British call it-Good Riddance Day!

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