
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

June 29: Gay Wine Weekend from Out in the Vineyard

In this Focus Group Special, Tim and John recap their trip to Sonoma for Gay Wine Weekend. This was the biggest event yet with people representing 16 US States, the UK, Canada, and Australia to drink some wine, meet new friends, and have a great weekend in one of America’s most beautiful settings. Out in the Vineyard Founders, Mark and Gary, join the show to let us know how much money was raised at the Recovery Brunch Auction for Face to Face…the local HIV/AIDS organization dedicated to ending HIV in Sonoma County. Tim and John share some photos of the trip and plan to attend next year…and you should too! Thanks again to Mark and Gary for creating and producing such a unique event.

June 25: Remembering Orlando & Joe Putignano

Former Olympic Gymnast hopeful, Joe Putignano, joins The Focus Group and explores his harrowing journey from the US Olympic Training Center to homeless shelters to shooting heroin on the job to being declared dead. His memoir, Acrobaddict delves into addiction, triumph, and despair. Thankfully, there is a happy ending. But first, once again corporations take the lead in bringing about acceptance as companies show their support to the victims of Orlando. June 25th is National Catfish Day and Barbed Wire was patented.

June 18: Pride Con 2016, Virtual Goggles and More!

Thai Pham, CEO and Co-Founder of Pride Con 2016, joins Tim and John to discuss this new venture of all things pop culture, comics, anime, and cosplay with an LGBT focus. Tim and John ponder making omelettes at Julia Child’s French get-away. John introduces virtual goggles that Cadillac thinks will drive sales, which Tim thinks is idiotic and Comrade Valentina Tereshkova shows her “wares” in the Week in Science. Shop Talk looks at productivity levels of workers who sit all day versus standing at their desk—should the Focus Group record while standing?

June 11: John Lake, Vice President and LGBT Segment Manager for Wells Fargo

John Lake, Vice President and LGBT Segment Manager for Wells Fargo Enterprise Marketing, joins us right in the middle of Pride to remind all of us of Wells Fargo‘s almost 30 Year commitment to the LGBT consumer. Tim and John try the latest Oreo flavor-Fruity Crisp-apropos for Pride! Tim announced he’s “Trans-Ethnic”, John wants the new Star Trek Dollies, and we celebrate the birthday of the Founder of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, with an image of her being force fed at a French Cafe. And, what was the name of Jacques Cousteau’s boat? ShopTalk proves that everything old is new again when it comes to “Cause Marketing”. Please like us, rate us and subscribe!

June 4: Chris Frederick, Managing Director of NYC Pride

Chris Frederick, Managing Director of NYC Pride, joins Tim and John to talk about the ever evolving event that takes place annually the last week of June. New York City Pride is known as a “Destination Pride Celebration” and everyone should experience it at least once. Shop Talk tackles the question as to whether you should, or should not, “come out” on your resume. Ten Cent Beer Night in Cleveland, a dog dyed dark green, Francis Crick, adult website habits of conservatives, and a billboard gone wrong. That’s alotta show!

May 28: Billy Kolber and who invented the Hamburger?

Billy Kolber, Man About World Founder and Travel Expert, joins us this week and reveals his picks for summer travel to Europe—now that the dollar is so strong against the Euro. Monaco anyone? Billy also shares with The Focus Group the first LGBT Guide to Business Travel. The guide is quickly becoming the “go to” resource for corporations sending their employees overseas. But first, who invented the hamburger and do you remember Ebenezer Butterick? Tim and John share their Summer Reading List and take a question from a listener.

May 21: Founder of Dot Gay, Scott Seitz

Scott Seitz, Founder and CEO of SPI Marketing and Founder of Dot Gay joins The Focus Group to discuss the state of LGBT Marketing in today’s world of digital, apps, and assimilation. If you have ever heard of Absolut Vodka then you know Scott. He is one of the pioneers of LGBT marketing and helped lead the way for other brands to recognize the importance of the lgbt consumer.

May 14: The $2 Bill & Gay Wine Weekend

Saturday, May 8th: Author Erin McHugh

Saturday, May 8th: Author Erin McHugh

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