
We’re all business. Except when we’re not.

Past Shows

Saturday, March 16th

CindyJosephCindy Joseph is the founder and CEO of BOOM! By Cindy Joseph, a new and exciting concept in makeup that promotes natural, radiant beauty. At the age of 49, Cindy was approached on the street by a casting agent to model for a project that ignited a career with Ford Models Inc., which continues to flourish today. Now, Cindy is traveling the world working in front of the camera for many of the same clients and magazines she had during her career as make-up artist.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. What is the value of a domain name, and when does retirement become a chance to explore new work options. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, March 9th

MarekButeThe Strip And Beyond introduces Marek P. Bute, a Las Vegas attorney with the firm Snell and Wilmer, whose pro bono work reflects a dedication to making a difference for the LGBT community. He is very involved in the Las Vegas AFAN AIDS Walk, which last year raised $450,000, and will happen this April 14th.

JonOsborneJon Osborne is Associate Media Director for Spark Communications in Chicago and oversees accounts in banking, retail, television and distribution. He has worked strategically on many automotive accounts including Hyundai, Kia, General Motors and Toyota. Current trends in both LGBT and general market media will be up for discussion. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, March 2nd

PaulHagenPaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. Should you email like a man? Inc. Magazine poses the question, which of course begs the thought—are men and women different when they email? Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, February 23rd

DrRKayGreenDr. R. Kay Green is the CEO/President of RKG Marketing Solutions, and a native of Savannah, GA. She is also the author of I’ve been called the B* Word…Now what do I do? and will be sharing her proven tips for building a viable brand. “The brands that succeed are the ones that are unique, but they’re also the ones that are authentic. A brand must always come from the heart.”

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. A look at the must-have skills of 2013, and how to deal with rejection before it happens are on the agenda. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, February 16th

ShaneWShane L. Windmeyer, M.S., Ed., is a leading author on gay campus issues, and is cofounder and executive director of Campus Pride, the only national organization for student leaders and campus organizations working to create a safer college environment for LGBT students. Released Fall 2006 by Alyson Books, he is the author of The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students, the first-ever college guide profiling the “100 Best LGBT-Friendly Campuses.”

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, February 9th

PaulHagenPaul Hagen of Metrosource magazine returns to continue his mission of putting the “culture” back in “pop culture” for our listeners on Metroscope.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. If you have been working from home and find that it’s hard to stay focused and productive, could it be that you simply don’t work well outside a corporate office? Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, February 2nd

Super Bowl 47StuartE is fast approaching, and with an estimated audience of 112 million people, advertisers are leveraging their ads by showing them early and engaging their customers. Matt Ian, EVP and Group Creative Director at Deutsch LA, talks about working on the new Volkswagen spot for the Super Bowl. The early release has generated a lot of buzz—some of it unexpected. New York Times advertising columnist Stuart Elliott will weigh in on what he is looking forward to seeing, and the brands that are breaking through. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, January 26th

KellyMurphyThe Strip And Beyond visits with Kelly Murphy, a Las Vegas-based entrepreneur and the owner of Krave (soon to be Krave Massive), Drink & Drag, and GayLV Magazine. In October of 2012, Kelly was named to “The List” in Vegas Magazine.

JacobTomskyJacob Tomsky never intended to go into the hotel business. As a new college graduate, armed only with a philosophy degree he ended up working in “hospitality” for more than a decade, doing everything from supervising the housekeeping department to manning the front desk at an upscale Manhattan hotel. In Heads in Beds he pulls back the curtain to expose the crazy and compelling reality of a multi-billion-dollar industry we think we know. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, January 19th

BernieGracyWith the accelerated fragmentation of the consumer driven “splinternet,” the business challenge of optimizing the B2C customer/channel mix has never been harder. Bernie Gracy, VP of Strategy and Business Development for Pitney Bowes Volly, will discuss the implications for brands and marketers in the emerging digital mail category.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

Saturday, January 12th

YeagerBookJeff Yeager, America’s favorite cheapskate, returns. His new book, How to Retire the Cheapskate Way, is unlike most retirement planning and lifestyle books, and makes the compelling case that you can have a joyous, worry-free retirement by merely spending smart and focusing on what you truly want and expect out of retirement.

Shop Talk is Tim and John’s ongoing banter and commentary on current business topics. Customer service missteps and how planning the weekend is just as important as planning the week are on the agenda. Join the conversation at 866-305-6887.

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